Sunday, April 2, 2006

Tornado in Missouri

I just read this email from my Mom...

Well I guess I am REAL lucky.. Cory came down to Sandys and got me. When we left the weather was not bad at all no rain just cloudy. When we got to his house there was a fire truck going by. Guess what was going on a TORNADO. We had to of been just a couple of miles in front of it because U.John left right behind us he went the back roads he stopped about a mile from Sandys and watched them pass there were 7 houses totally destroy 1 lady got sucked out of the house and dropped in a field she got broken pelvis and had to have surgery yesterday and they plan to do a couple more over the weekend They had to shut 71 hwy down (which is the road we were on)there was a Mobile home in the road There was even a earth contact home that got destroyed so much for going to the basement. A. Kay and Jesse were mad Cory only has cordless phone and the do not work with no power they tried to call when they heard a woman was hurt bad so now I am thinking about getting a cell phone so that don't happen again. well I am going to go for now I will try to call you tonight around or so we are going to help some friends of John and Sandys Theres not much left of there house. I'll talk to ya soon
love ya

Scary! However this could just be my Mom's idea of a great April Fool's Joke.

**It wasn't**

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