Sunday, April 8, 2007

Good Wholesome Fun *with pictures

I'm patiently waiting for my videos (on myspace) to upload. Patiently, I swear. Anyway, we had a pretty good weekend, despite the sudden reappearance of winter cancelling the Cavern plans. We did some shopping for today, metal kabab sticks, peep bunnies, hershey bar, graham crackers. See, the problem with peeps is that they are disgusting little freaks of nature. And I hate them.

Plain marshmallow is nasty enough, and is fit to eat only after covered in a thick black crust. Peeps earn no extra love, so they too meet the fire. Law of Marshmallow Nature. Unfortunately, it seems today's peeps are less flammable than I remember, and much less flammable than plain puffs. Odd. The dye must provide some fireproofing protection. Probably causes cancer too. Nasty nasty little beasties. I'm still uploading a few videos of their last moments. It really is moving. And classy.

And I'm out of patience, so I'm posting this without the videos embedded. Just go to my videos and watch them in this order:

Peep Bunny Pron #1
Peep Bunny Pron #2
To the Fire!

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