Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Four Months

Wow. That is definitely a new record for not posting to my blog. Of course I only realized it because of some annoying spam comment that kept reappearing on my most recent post. That is just tragic.

I went ahead and updated my settings to enforce word verification (sorry) and comment moderation on older posts because it takes me an aggravating amount of time to figure out how to delete a posted comment.

Now I just need to make a commitment to updating this lovely space! I blame facebook, of course. Friends have mentioned that I am about to the point of updating my facebook status with "is now updating her facebook status." It is so much easier than blogging! It is also less deep, and facebook isn't really the best forum for real introspection.

Tomorrow, (TOMORROW, the procrastinator assures you all!!!) I will make a nice update post for the blog. It has been a long summer, maybe I can just copy/paste all my facebook status messages...OW! Ok fine! I was just kidding!


1 comment:

  1. I just noticed that the sidebar flickr tool no longer shows MY most recent uploads. This is probably because my Pro account expired and I don't have the cashola to get it back. So if you liked it, sorry. You could always gift me a Pro account...OW! Again..just kidding!
