Friday, August 29, 2008

YAY! Divorce!

Thus ends the chapter titled: The Dumbest Thing She Ever Did

I feel the need to celebrate. Who is doing something fun in San Angelo tonight? This weekend? Anything?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Write Letters

Dear San Angelo,

Sometimes it rains here. Roads are not meant to be rivers.


PS: I hate you back.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Parrot Attacks Wordle

Originally uploaded by TJ Relic
Rigel doesn't really like it when I use the computer. I'm not sure, maybe he LOVES the computer, and is jealous that I'm using it.

No more playing on the computer, little bird!

Oh, and I was at when he attacked, so now you know all the words I use too much.

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Tattoo

Originally uploaded by TJ Relic
I added six photos of my new tattoo to flickr. The flowers will be filled in with a lilac purple, the leaves a dark green (and to cover up the old dragonfly), and I am as yet undecided on the color for the damselfly.

Divorce: Failed

We went before the judge this morning, and were told we had to redo our Divorce Decree in order to clearly state the division (none) of our respective military retirement benefits. Balls.

On the upside, this means that the name change is back ON, because we have to re-file the decree anyway. Sweet!

On to next Friday, then.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I just put yesterday and today's rides into my Bike Journal (at, and discovered that I've hit 200.00 miles total! That's 74.20 for the month of August, so far.

Oh, and apparently I've only been to the library downtown twice, not three times like I said in my last post.

Showing Off My Crazy

I've been to the library three times this week. That's 33 miles total by bike, for those of you not keeping track. In conclusion: I give up, for now.

Because the divorce petition states that I want my name changed back, it is now a gigantic pain in my ass to change it to something else. It would have just been a minor pain in the ass if I had kept it as Jones, and then filed the name change to something else. The thing is, I have to get the Petition for Change of Name notarized, and this requires a current/valid photo ID with the old name on it. I do not have this, at all.

Changing my name for the divorce means getting new a driver's license, SS card, school ID, debit card, checkbook, and my Inactive Reserve ID card. Also, I have to update my name with the GI Bill, VA Life Insurance, and everything else I can't think of right now. *head asplodes*

When/If I change my name, I will have to do all those things again. Plus, I have to pay $217 to file the petition, and $34 to have a fingerprint card made. At least if I wait until January, when my IRR time is up, I will have one less ID to change. I will, however, confuse the shit out of everyone I know, by changing my name twice in 6 months. Piss.

So, how is my crazy showing? I worked off my frustration by switching my living room and bedroom. Yes, I got my sofa through the door, by sheer determination alone. I suffer from an extreme form of the hereditary disorder known as Rearrangus Furnituritis, just ask my mom.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Family History

I thought I would mine my family history for some surname ideas. I started at the geneology page that my mom put together a few years ago. It goes back to my ggg-grandmother, Charles Ann Boggs.

A Google search for Charles Ann Boggs got me to her on someone else's geneology page. Here are her ancestors and siblings. Funny how all of her siblings returned to (died in) France, where their grandmother Ann Scobee was born in 1783. She's the only one who stayed in the states.

Anyway, since Charles Ann's gg-grandparents (if i'm counting right), Charles Clandenin and Mary Ann Patterson, were both born in Scotland but married in 1735 in Pennsylvania, they must have come over before then.

So I can trace back all the way to William and Margaret (Clandenin), born in Scotland, 1650.

How cool is all that?

Also, isn't
Sophronia a neat name? Well I found her in another person's database, and holy cow, that one goes pretty far back into England. Seriously, I haven't found the end of it yet. Woah.

I'm still digging into Lawson.
To keep things straight:
Edward William Lawson
Edward William Lawson on RootsWeb
son of Thomas Sebner Lawson and Sarah Ellen Stanley
Tomas Lawson was the son of
Lewis LAWSON and Celia Ellen TRIMBLE

And now I give up, because it seems all piecemeal.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Name Thing (Again)

I'm still unsure about what to name myself after the divorce. I never really wanted to change to Jones. Its a dumb name, a dumb tradition, and yet another reason I should have known getting married was dumb.

Of course, my birth name might be what I'm stuck with, since I already file the papers. I might try to change it at the final hearing, though. People, I don't know who Niel is, but I'm certainly not his son. The only people I shared this name with, after age 3, was my uncle and some cousins. Not my brothers, or my grandmother, or either of my parents. Lets just say I'm not attached. I still feel bad for my brothers, though, going through life with the name of a bodily function. Ew.

This brings us to made-up, Science Fiction, strong words, and nature names. I would like something short and simple that doesn't end in the letter or sound "A". I'm thinking 3-5 letters and one or two syllables. I don't have any ties to religions or interesting cultures, so nothing that would strongly signify that. I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to pretend that I'm some nationality or heritage that I'm not, because that seems rude.

The best SF name suggestion yet has been Dax. But really, am I that much of a geek? Maybe.

Other options include: Kes, Delenn, Kosh (hahaha), Thrace (Ok, I am not that hard-core geek)

Sadly, with Doctor Who, my options are: Smith, Jones, and maybe for fun: Who.
Do you know any awesome and not goofy matrinomic or nature names out there that fit my loose criteria?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I are not some smarts.

This cell phone thing defeats me. Again.

I have quite a few numbers set to speed dial that I don't use anymore, and I was going through them to reassign speed dial numbers.

That is all. There was to be no deleting whatsoever.

Apparently I misunderstood. When I changed the speed dial number, it would say "hey, there's one there already, replace?" So I'm all, "Yes, replace!" And its all "OK! I won't mention that it deletes the phonebook entry that had that number and replaced it with the other one!"

Yay! Frak.

So, if I haven't called you lately (say, if it is your birthday today, but not if your number is one different than mine and I'm divorcing you) it is because my phone doesn't know you anymore.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Kinda Sad

A comment on my proposal assignment: Beautiful

The page: Table of Contents

Conclusion 1: I am a Tech Writing Genius(tm).

Conclusion 2: That is really sad.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Uh, Um, Like...Fuck.

Now, I was about to pedal my happy ass to the bike shop to pick up a cargo net, and maybe then take a dip in the pool to celebrate 130 miles on my bike so far and a hellish assignment behind me. Then I realized, that distant rumble? It is electricity falling from the sky. Fan. Tastic.

So anyway, the hellish assignment was a formal proposal, which I chose to do over bike parking and stuff on campus. Five pages, not including the cover letter, table of contents, appendices...were due this morning. I had three and a half days to do research, come up with a real proposal, and write all the damn documents (10 MS Word files later...). I also got dubious honor of being one of only two people presenting my PowerPoint slides this morning. I was up until 1am. I gave up on including any images in the document or the presentation.

Oh the presentation. It was probably painful to watch, but they would be surprised to know that I actually showed improvement in public speaking. Why, I didn't talk insanely fast and quiet, or even run out of breath completely. I was just all "um...where was I again, what was i about to say here, oh look awkward pause!" Amazingly, I still got a 95%, probably on consideration the painful patheticness of my nervousness and the fact that I had no time to practice between writing the paper and preparing the slides.

I certainly got enough riding in, though, pedaling all over campus to look at the placement of bike racks, getting an interview with the campus police chief, coordinating pretend involvement from the bike shop, and pricing fliers.