To the "Driver" who nearly ran me over just now,
Yes, you, the one who screeched to a halt, leaned over his passenger side to look at the YIELD sign, and proceeded to yell out the window that "Yeah, I think I had the right of way there!"
Please take note that you are monumentally incorrect. Please learn that a YIELD sign in YOUR direction means that YOU YIELD the right of way to cross traffic. You do not E.V.E.R. have right of way in this situation.
Have a shitty day,
Bike Commuter
ps.I say "Driver" because I fondly hope that you have never actually passed a drivers test.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
About Me
Who are you?
Nobody Knows
Do you like having roomates or living alone?
Alone, I'm too picky about my living environment. Plus, my last two roomates were kind of assholes.
What alcoholic beverage did you drink the first time?
Wine...mmm wine.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
The last few ounces of Brandy. Yay! Surprise Brandy!
What was your first job?
Burger King. Kill me now.
Your last job?
Air force, computer security nazi.
What was your first car?
1989 Plymouth Sundance I think, I almost never actually drove it. Except that one time I got to fog up the windows :D
Last/Current car?
97 Ford Taurus
How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
I moved alot as a kid, so I never really had a sense of 'hometown' until I moved back to St. Joe in middle school. I left there right after HS.
Who was your favorite teacher?
Pretty much all my HS science teachers...Doc for smarts, Trotter for girl power + smarts, and Nash for hottie-ness and smarts.
Have you ever done something illegal?
I once drove alone on a learner's permit. Yup, this is me, living on the wild side.
Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?
AMANDA!!!! YES!!!!
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Pee, I always pee first. No not really, I always push the snooze for about 30 minutes first. Then I pee, but not in the bed, that would be gross. So I guess I snooze, wake up, go to the restroom, pee, wash my hands, and let the bird out of his cage...nosy fucking survey...
Name of first kiss?
Chew-My-Face Guy
First crush?
6 years old, Henry from next door, first of many many...
What feature(s) do you find most attractive on men?
Shoulders. Mmmmm shoulders...
How did you get the idea for your profile name?
Its the name I'll have when I get to change it.
What are you wearing right now?
If you really want to know...ask.
Who do you want to kiss?
Wow, do I need a good kiss.
Do you want a baby?
Eventually. Just one.
What did you do this morning?
I worked on Modern Physics homework.
What does your dad do for a living?
i think he's a carpenter
Did you dream last night?
I'm sure I did. I only remember certain kinds of dreams these days, at least they're good ;)
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
All sides, middle, whatever...its a single after all. I really need a bigger bed.
What did you do last night?
I cooked dinner, ate dinner, fell asleep....oops.
When was the last time you worked out?
I bicycle 2 miles every day.
What's your favorite quote?
Kennedy: "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone..."
Elaborate on your default photo.
I tried to change it once, but someone demanded I change it back. :P
What is your current problem?
A 3 page literary analysis that won't write itself.
Do you want to live to be 100?
Sure, if I'm healthy. Probably won't happen though.
YOur favorite sexy celebrity?
I have to pick a favorite...not gonna happen...Nick Cage, Michael Shanks, Ben Browder....I could go on...mmm Helo and Apollo...
What was the last thing u paid cash for?
Au liat mocha large
What was the last thing you paid for with a credit card?
breakfast yesterday
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my ex husband, who is apparently too ill to deliver my stack of mail for the last two weeks
What is on your desktop background?
the earth and moon as seen from mars
Currently reading:
the short story Cathederal, which will not analyse itself...
Did you or do you go to college?
the eternal college student
One in each ear
On the back of my hand.
Speak any languages?
The International Language of Pancakes. I learned Korean one summer, too. I failed the alphabet in spanish once.
What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater:
Mirrors, go see it, its a good little horror flick.
Favorite foods:
Easy, healthy, cheap.
Have you been in love?
I have been passionately infatuated.... At the time I couldn't tell the difference between that and love.
Been in a car accident:
Ice storms highway exit signs = bad :(
Favorite day of the week:
Saturday, in which I can pretend I don't have anything pressing to do.
Favorite Flowers:
Which finger is your favorite?
Wow, there is no right answer to that one.
Favorite drink:
Brandy! Port Wine! Both!
Favorite ice cream:
Well I hate it when someone nuts in my ice cream, i mean 'when there are nuts in my ice cream'...grrr no pecans please. Anything with any combination of coffee, chocolate or caramel, ooo or almonds. Almonds aren't nuts i swear. Ok I made that up I don't know anything about almonds.
What is your favorite band? rubber.
What do you do most often when you get bored?
i'm never bored anymore
Favorite TV show: currently running?
Galactica and Doctor Who
Last person you went to dinner with:
Probably Janae, her and Jaun are the only people I actually interact with anymore.
Do you have a tattoo?
Yes! Look at the pictures!
Do you want more?
Maaayyyybeee, but I don't know what yet.
How many pets do you have:
Which came first:
Are you a lover or a fighter?
What did you do to piss me off?!
What's your worst fear?
Dying without reaching my dreams.
Were you a cute baby?
That's what they tell me, but I don't have many pictures to prove it.
Is the single life for you?
It looks like it is, sadly.
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you bathe by candlelight?
Yes! The best way to shower is by candlelight.
Any secret talents?
Wouldn't you like to know.
What's your ideal vacation spot?
Anywhere but Texass
Can you swim?
Not very well, or very far, but I don't drown in the deep end anymore.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
As many as you'd like.
Do you like your handwriting?
Nope, I can barely read it myself. I'm working on it.
Eyes: brown, with dark circles that are not because i'm sleepy, just the way i am
Jewelry worn daily: none
Cell Phone: "I've made some mistakes in my life, I have regrets, but one thing I'm proud of, is when someone calls my phone, it makes a goddamn ringing sound!"
Bedroom: asian-themed work in progress...messy
Vehicle: Electra Townie, orange!
Favorite shirt: black tank top
Favorite scent: something light and floral, perfumes make me ill
Song listening to right now: Lets Do It (Let's Fall in Love), Eartha Kitt
Wishing: I could leave Texass
Person you wish you could see right now: My far away friends.
Something you're looking forward to in the coming week: FRIDAY
The last thing you ate?: a brownie with my coffee...must eat dinner next
Your fears: wow, dying before I do anything that makes me feel fulfilled or purposeful or alive. Yup, dying without living first.
Do you like candles: yes, as long as they smell good but not perfume-y
Do you faint at the sight of blood? Nope.
Do you believe in soul mates: no, except maybe with friends
Do you believe in Heaven: sorry, no. i believe we should strive to make ourselves, this world, and its future as healthy, happy, and peaceful as possible
Can you eat with chopsticks: yes, I lived in Japan for nearly 3 years.
What's your favorite coin? An IG coin I was given for doing my job especially well. Gratitude means so much when you get so little of it.
What are some of your favorite candies: Almost anything chocolate, also those strawberry candies I can't remember the name, mmm and molassas chews.
What's something you wish you could understand better? physics
Where is your favorite place to shop: Burke's Outlet
What is the worst fashion item you've ever thought looked good? I'm no fashion expert, but I'm sure I've done some pretty bad things in others' opinions.
What is the worst trend you see today? That thing with the poofy hair on top, wtf?
What are essentials in your life? Hope, purpose, love, family, friends.
Nobody Knows
Do you like having roomates or living alone?
Alone, I'm too picky about my living environment. Plus, my last two roomates were kind of assholes.
What alcoholic beverage did you drink the first time?
Wine...mmm wine.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
The last few ounces of Brandy. Yay! Surprise Brandy!
What was your first job?
Burger King. Kill me now.
Your last job?
Air force, computer security nazi.
What was your first car?
1989 Plymouth Sundance I think, I almost never actually drove it. Except that one time I got to fog up the windows :D
Last/Current car?
97 Ford Taurus
How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
I moved alot as a kid, so I never really had a sense of 'hometown' until I moved back to St. Joe in middle school. I left there right after HS.
Who was your favorite teacher?
Pretty much all my HS science teachers...Doc for smarts, Trotter for girl power + smarts, and Nash for hottie-ness and smarts.
Have you ever done something illegal?
I once drove alone on a learner's permit. Yup, this is me, living on the wild side.
Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?
AMANDA!!!! YES!!!!
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Pee, I always pee first. No not really, I always push the snooze for about 30 minutes first. Then I pee, but not in the bed, that would be gross. So I guess I snooze, wake up, go to the restroom, pee, wash my hands, and let the bird out of his cage...nosy fucking survey...
Name of first kiss?
Chew-My-Face Guy
First crush?
6 years old, Henry from next door, first of many many...
What feature(s) do you find most attractive on men?
Shoulders. Mmmmm shoulders...
How did you get the idea for your profile name?
Its the name I'll have when I get to change it.
What are you wearing right now?
If you really want to know...ask.
Who do you want to kiss?
Wow, do I need a good kiss.
Do you want a baby?
Eventually. Just one.
What did you do this morning?
I worked on Modern Physics homework.
What does your dad do for a living?
i think he's a carpenter
Did you dream last night?
I'm sure I did. I only remember certain kinds of dreams these days, at least they're good ;)
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
All sides, middle, whatever...its a single after all. I really need a bigger bed.
What did you do last night?
I cooked dinner, ate dinner, fell asleep....oops.
When was the last time you worked out?
I bicycle 2 miles every day.
What's your favorite quote?
Kennedy: "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone..."
Elaborate on your default photo.
I tried to change it once, but someone demanded I change it back. :P
What is your current problem?
A 3 page literary analysis that won't write itself.
Do you want to live to be 100?
Sure, if I'm healthy. Probably won't happen though.
YOur favorite sexy celebrity?
I have to pick a favorite...not gonna happen...Nick Cage, Michael Shanks, Ben Browder....I could go on...mmm Helo and Apollo...
What was the last thing u paid cash for?
Au liat mocha large
What was the last thing you paid for with a credit card?
breakfast yesterday
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my ex husband, who is apparently too ill to deliver my stack of mail for the last two weeks
What is on your desktop background?
the earth and moon as seen from mars
Currently reading:
the short story Cathederal, which will not analyse itself...
Did you or do you go to college?
the eternal college student
One in each ear
On the back of my hand.
Speak any languages?
The International Language of Pancakes. I learned Korean one summer, too. I failed the alphabet in spanish once.
What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater:
Mirrors, go see it, its a good little horror flick.
Favorite foods:
Easy, healthy, cheap.
Have you been in love?
I have been passionately infatuated.... At the time I couldn't tell the difference between that and love.
Been in a car accident:
Ice storms highway exit signs = bad :(
Favorite day of the week:
Saturday, in which I can pretend I don't have anything pressing to do.
Favorite Flowers:
Which finger is your favorite?
Wow, there is no right answer to that one.
Favorite drink:
Brandy! Port Wine! Both!
Favorite ice cream:
Well I hate it when someone nuts in my ice cream, i mean 'when there are nuts in my ice cream'...grrr no pecans please. Anything with any combination of coffee, chocolate or caramel, ooo or almonds. Almonds aren't nuts i swear. Ok I made that up I don't know anything about almonds.
What is your favorite band? rubber.
What do you do most often when you get bored?
i'm never bored anymore
Favorite TV show: currently running?
Galactica and Doctor Who
Last person you went to dinner with:
Probably Janae, her and Jaun are the only people I actually interact with anymore.
Do you have a tattoo?
Yes! Look at the pictures!
Do you want more?
Maaayyyybeee, but I don't know what yet.
How many pets do you have:
Which came first:
Are you a lover or a fighter?
What did you do to piss me off?!
What's your worst fear?
Dying without reaching my dreams.
Were you a cute baby?
That's what they tell me, but I don't have many pictures to prove it.
Is the single life for you?
It looks like it is, sadly.
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you bathe by candlelight?
Yes! The best way to shower is by candlelight.
Any secret talents?
Wouldn't you like to know.
What's your ideal vacation spot?
Anywhere but Texass
Can you swim?
Not very well, or very far, but I don't drown in the deep end anymore.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
As many as you'd like.
Do you like your handwriting?
Nope, I can barely read it myself. I'm working on it.
Eyes: brown, with dark circles that are not because i'm sleepy, just the way i am
Jewelry worn daily: none
Cell Phone: "I've made some mistakes in my life, I have regrets, but one thing I'm proud of, is when someone calls my phone, it makes a goddamn ringing sound!"
Bedroom: asian-themed work in progress...messy
Vehicle: Electra Townie, orange!
Favorite shirt: black tank top
Favorite scent: something light and floral, perfumes make me ill
Song listening to right now: Lets Do It (Let's Fall in Love), Eartha Kitt
Wishing: I could leave Texass
Person you wish you could see right now: My far away friends.
Something you're looking forward to in the coming week: FRIDAY
The last thing you ate?: a brownie with my coffee...must eat dinner next
Your fears: wow, dying before I do anything that makes me feel fulfilled or purposeful or alive. Yup, dying without living first.
Do you like candles: yes, as long as they smell good but not perfume-y
Do you faint at the sight of blood? Nope.
Do you believe in soul mates: no, except maybe with friends
Do you believe in Heaven: sorry, no. i believe we should strive to make ourselves, this world, and its future as healthy, happy, and peaceful as possible
Can you eat with chopsticks: yes, I lived in Japan for nearly 3 years.
What's your favorite coin? An IG coin I was given for doing my job especially well. Gratitude means so much when you get so little of it.
What are some of your favorite candies: Almost anything chocolate, also those strawberry candies I can't remember the name, mmm and molassas chews.
What's something you wish you could understand better? physics
Where is your favorite place to shop: Burke's Outlet
What is the worst fashion item you've ever thought looked good? I'm no fashion expert, but I'm sure I've done some pretty bad things in others' opinions.
What is the worst trend you see today? That thing with the poofy hair on top, wtf?
What are essentials in your life? Hope, purpose, love, family, friends.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Yay. Math :(
So yeah, this week has sucked. I had two tests set for today in my two hardest classes, with the same professor. I was all set to drop one. Luckily, and he didn't tell me this before, but I can split the tests on two days. Unfortunately, I studied like hell for Math Physics, and had my ass kicked by basic addition and subtraction. Absurd.
Anyway, my life is not my own this weekend. I'll be writing a paper tonight, studying for that other exam tomorrow, and writing a lab report on Sunday.
Also, I just posted a bulletin, which always serves to remind me how dull my life is. Yay.
Anyway, my life is not my own this weekend. I'll be writing a paper tonight, studying for that other exam tomorrow, and writing a lab report on Sunday.
Also, I just posted a bulletin, which always serves to remind me how dull my life is. Yay.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Finished Tattoo
Isn't it pretty!?!?! I just uploaded 3 pictures of my tattoo. I relaxed afterward with dark beer and chocolate chip cookies that had the texture of brownie edges. Perfect!
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Song...
This is what happens when chatting, YouTube, and blogging converge. I really was in bed, when I got to thinking about what my favorite country music song is. I finally decided I wasn't going get to sleep until I did something about it. So, I'll be the zombie riding to school in the morning, man its late.
While Third Rock From the Sun is plenty good and funny, it isn't my favorite, and it doesn't represent the kind of country music I love. Here's Trisha Yearwood with The Song Remembers When. (lyrics here)
I also like her more recent Georgia Rain.(lyrics here) Really, almost anything she sings is wonderfully sadly sexy sentimental. I guess that's just how I am.
While Third Rock From the Sun is plenty good and funny, it isn't my favorite, and it doesn't represent the kind of country music I love. Here's Trisha Yearwood with The Song Remembers When. (lyrics here)
It was like a lighted match had been tossed into my soul
It was like a dam had broken in my heart
After driving out the memory
Of the way things might have been
But that's just a lot of water
Underneath a bridge I burned
And there's no use in backtracking
Around corners I have turned
Still I guess some things we bury
Are just bound to rise again
It was like a dam had broken in my heart
After driving out the memory
Of the way things might have been
But that's just a lot of water
Underneath a bridge I burned
And there's no use in backtracking
Around corners I have turned
Still I guess some things we bury
Are just bound to rise again
I also like her more recent Georgia Rain.(lyrics here) Really, almost anything she sings is wonderfully sadly sexy sentimental. I guess that's just how I am.
Barefoot in the bed of your truck
on a blanket lookin' up
half a moon peekin' down at us
from underneath the clouds.
I don't remember what was poundin more
the heart in my chest or the hood of that Ford
as the sky fell in and the storm clouds poured
worlds away outside
on a blanket lookin' up
half a moon peekin' down at us
from underneath the clouds.
I don't remember what was poundin more
the heart in my chest or the hood of that Ford
as the sky fell in and the storm clouds poured
worlds away outside
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Flute Hero
A: Insane is right, this looks hard! Of course, I was never very good anyway.
B: Um....I think she's playing more than one note at a time, on the flute. Keep in mind, I wasn't very good, but I don't think that's possible. Or, I look like a dumbass right now.
C: If we had Flute Hero in the US, I would totally have a Band Geek Reunion Party. Totally. I would walk back to Missouri, just for that.
My Townie
wiblick has made a request:
"I'm thinking of buying an electra townie 700C 8 speed and NO ONE can tell me anything about it, especially regarding seat height. I'm 5ft 2 as well and would be really interested in hearing your thoughts.Could you mail me? Let me know what model you bought etc. Can you really sit comfortably and have your feet flat to the ground? Do you have a pannier thingy?
or maybe just do an post to your blog about it?"
I have been ASKED to blog! *overwhelmed*
My Townie is a 7D, but I have no idea about the tires. The D refers to the rear derailleur, meaning it has an extra fancy doohickey instead of regular gears. I'm not sure what the advantages of that are, but the 8 doesn't seem to have it. My seat is adjusted so that I can stand flat on the ground while on the saddle if I'm wearing a slightly chunky heel, but there's plenty of room to adjust down if I wanted to be more comfortable in flats. I've seen people on regular bikes, straining to get their tippy-toes on the ground while sitting, and how awkward that is. Also, I love the wide saddle that comes with my Townie.
May be a concern for you: I don't see a step-through version of the 8 speed on the Electra website. Step-through and flat-foot are what makes it so comfortable IMHO, and I don't see it being as good without both. Then again, I'm clumsy. *shrug*
I had the rear rack installed, but make sure you have them use a longer screw, because one that come with the rack popped loose on my first long ride. It wasn't a safety issue, but you obviously don't want that. My other accessories include front and rear blinkey LEDs and a CatEye mirror. Very important since I drive on roads like a car, and its getting darker in the mornings. I'm currently lusting after some fenders, because I'm tired of ringing out my socks and because Texas lied to me about being a semi-desert.
I have a Basil Blossom pannier, which sadly I cannot recommend. They're deadly cute on my bike, but they aren't easily/reasonably removable or collapsible, and don't keep their form (makes them look frumpy). They connect to the rack with buckles, but the frame weirdly with velcro that always come loose, and they shift back into my spokes on an uphill when loaded. They do, however, hold lots of stuff for the price, so I'm not replacing them anytime soon.
It really is a comfortable ride. The sitting position is great for seeing everything around, and not hunched over the handlebars, no strain on my hands, and comfortable starts and stops. Seven speeds seem like enough for me, so I never have to stand to pedal or get off and push up a hill .The best is coasting downhill, such a pleasant rush!
"I'm thinking of buying an electra townie 700C 8 speed and NO ONE can tell me anything about it, especially regarding seat height. I'm 5ft 2 as well and would be really interested in hearing your thoughts.Could you mail me? Let me know what model you bought etc. Can you really sit comfortably and have your feet flat to the ground? Do you have a pannier thingy?
or maybe just do an post to your blog about it?"
I have been ASKED to blog! *overwhelmed*
My Townie is a 7D, but I have no idea about the tires. The D refers to the rear derailleur, meaning it has an extra fancy doohickey instead of regular gears. I'm not sure what the advantages of that are, but the 8 doesn't seem to have it. My seat is adjusted so that I can stand flat on the ground while on the saddle if I'm wearing a slightly chunky heel, but there's plenty of room to adjust down if I wanted to be more comfortable in flats. I've seen people on regular bikes, straining to get their tippy-toes on the ground while sitting, and how awkward that is. Also, I love the wide saddle that comes with my Townie.
May be a concern for you: I don't see a step-through version of the 8 speed on the Electra website. Step-through and flat-foot are what makes it so comfortable IMHO, and I don't see it being as good without both. Then again, I'm clumsy. *shrug*
I had the rear rack installed, but make sure you have them use a longer screw, because one that come with the rack popped loose on my first long ride. It wasn't a safety issue, but you obviously don't want that. My other accessories include front and rear blinkey LEDs and a CatEye mirror. Very important since I drive on roads like a car, and its getting darker in the mornings. I'm currently lusting after some fenders, because I'm tired of ringing out my socks and because Texas lied to me about being a semi-desert.
I have a Basil Blossom pannier, which sadly I cannot recommend. They're deadly cute on my bike, but they aren't easily/reasonably removable or collapsible, and don't keep their form (makes them look frumpy). They connect to the rack with buckles, but the frame weirdly with velcro that always come loose, and they shift back into my spokes on an uphill when loaded. They do, however, hold lots of stuff for the price, so I'm not replacing them anytime soon.
It really is a comfortable ride. The sitting position is great for seeing everything around, and not hunched over the handlebars, no strain on my hands, and comfortable starts and stops. Seven speeds seem like enough for me, so I never have to stand to pedal or get off and push up a hill .The best is coasting downhill, such a pleasant rush!

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