Tuesday, December 26, 2006

And then it was over.

Here's an idea, let's throw a little christmas party 2 days after we start moving into a new apartment. We'll watch christmas movies and play board games. Yeah, that'll be fun. Of course it will.

Well actually, you'll be heating the turkey and gravy and cleaning and all that girly kitchen-stuff while I sit on the couch with my friends and watch Conan the Barbarian. Sure, half our possessions are still at the house across town, why do you ask? Yeah, that'll be fun.

I knew I got married for a reason.

Best Christmas Ever.


  1. Yeah...I was watching Arnold with the rest of them...but in my own defense--I BOUGHT THE POTATOES AND COBBLER! :D

    I thought it was fun...for the most part...it would have been better if places were open though...I don't think we were FULLY prepared to keep entertained...and you can only watch SO many movies back to back before it gets old.

    Posted by Sarah on December 26, 2006 - Tuesday at 10:44 AM

  2. What?! No WiiPlay? Crom!!!

    Kudos for being a good sport ;)

    Posted by Fred on December 26, 2006 - Tuesday at 10:34 AM

  3. In my defense, you said you'd cook the turkey... I didn't force it on you at all. I asked, you said yes. :D And we weren't watching Conan. It was Red Sonja. :P And had the movies I rented gotten here on time, we would have had more to do and you wouldn't have been worried about moving stuff at all.

    Posted by Live the life of a fairy tale on December 26, 2006 - Tuesday at 6:40 PM
