Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Everything's Bigger in Texass

(they say that like its a good thing)

Oh my goodness! Oh no frickin way! Ew Ew Ew!!!

Yeah, a big one, in my bathroom, in the middle of the night. Hideously big and healthy (if you can call a giant roach* healthy), stalking me from the bathroom light switch. If I had not just peed... After several minutes of whimpering, I steeled my courage and rushed past it, out the bathroom door to retrieve whatever weapons of cockroach doom I could find. This ended up being a large wad of paper towels and a can of compressed air. I blew it off the wall, cornered it, and then held the air upside down and emptied half the can on the little....*insert string of profanities unsuitable for birdboard* until it was frozen or gassed, whichever killed it first. Yes, I could have stomped it with a shoe, but the only thing worse than a live roach is a squished dead one, guts everywhere, no thank you!

There's a question or three here, of course.

Besides the quarterly pest treatments, taking out the trash nightly, plugging the drains, and keeping all food in sealed containers, what else can I do to prevent these nasties? I lived at the old place for 1 1/2 years without a single one!!!

Can these things harm Rigel?

Do food and water containers exist that are less likely to draw the attention of a hungry, nasty critter to my bird's cage?

I will NOT consent to calling it a harmless "water bug." Nuh-uh! Nas-tay!

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