Our Simpsons Movie Avatars. Okay, so I'm not that skinny, and he's not that muscled, but those were the best of 4 options, so there. It was fun.
Feet got cut off...wtf? I'm not fixing it.
Alexplorer wrote:
I'm rusty on this, but the suffixes and prefixes (preficies and sufficies?*) follow a trend within a series.
In some cases these forms don't all exist, so you have to know the series already to some extent.
Also, if you have a few molecules in your head already, then you can remember the charge. For example, H2SO4 is sulfuric acid. I always remember SO4 is -2 because of the two hydrogens.
Part of the trick is to treat this as a language in that you have to get to listening for what sounds natural much like matching the appropriately gendered article to an ambiguous word in German or French.
*I don't have my irregular plurals memorized yet, and I've been speaking English all my life.
Janis wrote:
You poor thing...
This site addresses your problem, it even sympathizes with you about memorizing the dreadful things. Good luck!